Thursday, September 23, 2010


Have you ever wondered about Spreadsheets and why we need them? Are they really that useful to us. Well in the next paragraph I will have answered this questions and some more questions.
Who do you think about Spreadsheets? Is is useful? I thinks spreadsheets are good, and yes they are useful. They are useful to use in class when doing a class project. In the book students created a spreadsheet to illustrate the different chemicals people inhale when smoking cigarettes. I'm sure some people would stop smoking cigarettes or at least have a better understanding of what going into their bodies. So yes spreadsheets are very useful. Would I use this in my classroom? Yes I would. I could use a spreadsheet for so many things when I'm teaching. I would also have my kids use a spreadsheet on a project so they can learn how to do one and they will be learning more too. As a teacher why do we use spreadsheets? We use spreadsheets because they are easy to use. They also engage kids into learning cause it is on a computer and not in a book. It also helps students understand stuff better. In the book its says "Spreadsheets may be sued to construct simulations of problem involving Ohm's Law." What is the advantage of a Spreadsheet over a calculator? You cant show good graphs on a calculator or show how stuff works on a calculator. According to the textbook, it mentions the three primary functions of Spreadsheets. What do you think about them? Can you think of something else? I think they are what we need. They store all the information we need to use in spreadsheet. They can calculate everything in the same row and gives us an average if we need it. They also can present information for us. I dont think I can think of anything else that would help with that.
I have just gave you some more information about spreadsheets. I hope you know why we use spreadsheets and how they are useful to us.
 Meaningful Learning with Technology Johassen, D, Howland, J, Marra,R,M, Crismond, D.

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